Women Leaders On the Rise

Do you know of a Woman Leader ON THE RISE?


Members Starting New Roles

Kiara Scott, Northwestern University, hired as Assistant Director of Compliance. More here

Leslie Shevlin, Williams College, hired as Senior Associate Athletic Director for Compliance and Sports Supervision. More here

Members Earning Promotions

Janelle Iaquinto, Barry University, promoted from Assistant AD for Compliance & Operations to Associate AD/SWA. More here

Lisa Zehr, Cornell University Athletics, promoted from Director of Finance and Administration to Senior Associate Athletics Director for Finance & Administration. More here


Members Featured in the Industry

Stan Johnson, Stan Johnson & Associates, serving on Minority Opportunities Athletic Association on the Executive Committee in an ex-officio capacity. More here 

Reyna Gilbert Lowry, Virginia Tech, appointed as a Minority Opportunities Athletic Association 2024-2025 Board Member. More here

Angel Mason, Berry College, named Vice President of Minority Opportunities Athletic Association Executive Committee for 2024-25 year. More here

Pennie Parker, National Association of Collegiate Directors of Athletics, appointed 3rd Vice President for 2024-25 NACDA Officers. More here

Ayanna Tweedy, Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology, appointed as a Minority Opportunities Athletic Association 2024-2025 Board Member. More here

Stevie Baker Watson, DePauw University, named Minority Opportunities Athletic Association Executive Committee Member for 2024-25 year. More here







New Members

Meghan Powell
Rosemarie Sese
Jay-Cheree Burns