Jan R. Gentry Endowed Memorial Scholarship

Established by her wife, siblings, family and friends, the Jan R. Gentry Memorial Scholarship is an endowment that will honor Jan’s legacy for generations of women leaders to come.

A total of eight (8) scholarships will be awarded to current Women Leaders in Sports members in need of financial assistance. Six (6) scholarships will be awarded to attend Women Leaders Symposium (WLS). The WLS is hosted by Women Leaders in Sports and the NCAA. Two (2) scholarships will be giving for Women Leaders members to attend our National Convention. 

The successful applicants must embody one or more of Jan's qualities: 

  • Dedication to enhancing the student-athlete experience
  • Exudes positivity and professionalism
  • Commitment to inclusion, equity and diversity
  • Exceptional communicator
  • Enthusiastic in work and daily life
  • Helpful, supportive and team-oriented
  • Ability to find the best in everyone and lift others up

More information can be found on our scholarship page here.


About Jan R. Gentry

Jan grew up in Fulton, Missouri. She attended the University of Missouri, earning her bachelor’s, master’s and law degrees.

Jan was a long-time employee of the NCAA. She started as an intern in 1996 and was quickly hired as a member of the Enforcement staff. In 2005, Jan moved to the Championships staff and remained in that position until her retirement in 2021. Most recently, Jan managed championships for Division III and national collegiate sports, including women’s volleyball, softball and women’s ice hockey. Jan’s main goal was to always provide student-athletes the best championship experience possible. Jan cherished the relationships she made with colleagues, people in the host communities and those in the NCAA membership.

Dedicated to equity and inclusion, Jan was a liaison to the NCAA’s Committee on Women’s Athletics and supported the accomplishments of female student-athletes through the annual Woman of the Year Award and program.

Jan attended the National Association of Collegiate Women Athletic Administrators (NACWAA) National Convention many times and also participated in NACWAA HERS. In 2017, NACWAA rebranded to Women Leaders in College Sports. As a lifelong learner, Jan absolutely loved those experiences and valued the professional development. This is the impetus for the scholarship.

Jan and her wife, Tara, left Indianapolis and moved back to Kansas City in the summer of 2021 to be closer to their families. Jan spent her time playing pickleball, which was her main passion in retirement. She often played multiple times a day.

Jan passed away from injuries sustained in a car accident on April 18, 2022. Our collective hearts were broken. Jan’s spirit remains in all who knew her.

To donate to the Jan R. Gentry Endowed Memorial Scholarship Fund, use the button below. Your gift will continue to grow this endowment in Jan’s memory and make a lasting impact on the organization and women leaders in the industry.